SEVERAL MONTHS AGO The Truthless Reconciler published an article defending joe paterno. at the time it was believed that he reported the crime to his immediate supervisor, and left it at that.
now we know better. we know now that he instigated a conspiracy to conceal, and thus enable, the horrible crimes, presumably for fear of damaging the reputation of his employer and himself.
ironic, because had he done what he should have, which is raise holy hell the minute he found out about it, then all would now be well with penn state and joe pa's legacy.
as it stands now, its all in ruins; penn state football, joe's legacy, and eventually, undoubtedly, his statue.
a living legend. how incredible it seems to erect a statue to someone who not only is still living, but still working. but it fits in with the american, indeed the human tendency to worship idols.
from the very moment when albert einstein arrived in america to live he was utterly amazed at how he was treated, which was like a god. he received the full celebrity treatment, complete with paparazzi. at one point, out of frustration, he described himself as a "fashion model".
and einstein understood the silliness of it all, the distortion of values, the twisting of reason. he marvelled that people would approach him, ask for his autograph, and say nothing further to him. when a distant relative expressed disappointment at not having had the opportunity to meet him, einstein wrote the relative a letter, describing himself as a chubby little eccentric old man with a cigar stub, long white hair, and some strange ideas about the world.
einstein knew the insanity of celebrity culture, because he was intelligent. ironically, joe paterno must have known the same thing; he must have understood the silliness of erecting a statue of a working football coach, because paterno was also smart.
there is a statue of einstein in washington DC, not far from the lincoln memorial, which einstein never approved, and which he would undoubtedly want taken down.
maybe jo pa would have been better off to have refused to pose for a statue.
please scroll down for more...thanks!
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