Friday, July 20, 2012


IT MAY BE  that what the human race needs, among much, is a new morality and a new philosophy, to match our modern times. it could even be argued that all areas of human endeavor, including religion and morality, should evolve with our evolving species.

OUR science and technology progress, OUR moral philosophy and religiosity do not.

humans are inherently conservative, reluctant to change the things they love most, no matter how obviously such things might need to be changed.

even as we unlock the secrets of the universe, billions of us cling to the unrasonable belief that absolute truth can be told by books. if some scriputre says that a disobedient child should be killed, should we kill the child, or change the scripture? 

new books are bineg written at a prodigious rate. keep 'em coming! maybe a few of them will even talk a bit of truth. books are marvelous tools, indisputably. and yes, they preserve and perpetuate......whatever is insed them....which is often great entertainment, interesting facts, or descriptions and names for our mistakes, at best.

but they are not repositories of absolute eternal truth, nor were ever intended to be.

similarly, ancient religion and philosophy, people like plato an aristotle, and jesus and mohammed, seem brilliant, and full of truth, but...imperfect...and not entirely covering everything we need covered now.

jesus never uttered a word about slavery, or the internet. twentieth century philosophers seem incomplete, unsatisfactory, notwithstanding the brilliance of people like bertrand russell and jean paul sartre.

where are the creators, the discoverers, of future human religiosity and future philosophy?

probably busy either barely surviving, or making money.


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