Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Big American Fuss

United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (U.S.S.C.C.J.J.R.) flew off to malta, thinking it a good time to get away. the rest of us are stuck here, wondering how in the hell you can pass a law, fine anybody who breaks it, and call the fine a "tax". i'm never going to figure it out. i need help. maybe if we all work together on this....but off to malta he flew, and only he knew...

as beautiful and wonderful as socialized medicne might turn out to be, the high court seems to have bent over backwards to avoid ruling it unconstitutional

if america wants socialized health care, let's have it. if not, let's not. (america wants it, but only when the word "socialism" isn't used). if we need to change the constitution to have what we want, let's change the constitution. hell, let's write a whole new constitution, that's what jefferson would have wanted.

but do we really want it because a small group of nine people twists words to justify their prejudices, rather than transcending them?

for now, let's let the republicans repeal obama care, and let them take whatever blame or credit comes with it and attaches thereto. then, when the current system gets so bad that nobody is happy, we can start talking about a single payer european style socialistic system, maybe german style.

as usual, the world must be laughing that we (america) made such a big deal out of this. but the real fuss is yet to come. the world aint seen nuthin' yet..


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