Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Purchasing Political Power in america

LET THE DEBATE BE JOINED IN EARNEST, not just in congress, but throughout the land; what kind of political system do we want in america? for the thrid time the democrats in washington proposed a "disclosure" law, requiring that the source of all money spent on presidential campaign advertising be revealed to the american, and indeed the global, people.

VIVA political transparency! Down with darkened smoke filled rooms full of powerful politicians enriching themselves and cheating the people!

it isn't enough that millions of dollars flow into presidential campaigns from we the sheep people, nor is it enough that Political Action Committees raise and spend tens of millions of unregulated campaign advertising  money.  Now we have "social welfare" clubs, twisting pretzel - like around the limited campaign finance laws, whose contribution to social welfare consists of purchasing power and influence.

political power and influence are purchased in america, rather then earned, or reluctantly and humbly accepted, as they should be. our founding fathers ohnly pretended to reluctantly accept power, but at least they earned it.

our modern republicans prefer the current power purchasing system, which they laughably call "freedon of speech", instead of corporate corruption, which is what they should call it.

why don't they realize that it simply isn't worth it?  thomas jefferson called the presidency "splendid misery". why does  anyone want it desperately, as our american presidential politicians seem to?

we the people should be ashamed that we allow this corruption to persist, and to work for the corrupters.

refuse to contribute to any political campaign. refuse to vote for any political candidate who advertises. in necessary, fill out the entire ballot with write in candidates. that's the best advice you'll get today.


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