Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shared Sacrifice and Mob Rule

AS THE RECALL ELECTION IN WISCONSIN finally comes to an end, both sides of the issue believe themselves to be on a mission from God, and, in reality, neither one is.

governor walker and the republicans are simply trying to balance the budget, the only question is, are they doing it the best way, on the backs of teachers, firefighters, and cops?

even if a government prohibits collective bargaining, there is nothing to prevent a group of people in the same profession from forming and maintaining a uniform approach to bargaining. people communicate, and, at last glance, have not yet been prevented from it.

certainly the republicans would never for an instant consider taxing the wealthy instead of eliminating collective bargaining rights for public employees, a move which would undoubtedly hold down wages and benefits for teachers, and save the state money.

you can understnd why the teachers and other union members are upset, but does is justify removing the governor frfom office before his term is over? after all, governor walker is merely attempting to implement his policies, by legal means.he isn't engaging in criminal or traitorous activity.

certainly the union people are trying to protect what they consider to be a fundamental right of all workers, private or public. anyone who doesn't understand their point of view has never worked.

but surely the union folks must realize that getting rid of governor walker won't do any good; there are more out where whrer he came from, and removing him from office will do nothing to quieten those who oppose unions for public employees. if anything it will  enervate them.

we all encounter politicians who are tying to enact policies we don't agree with, but do we try to force them out of office every time they do this, or do we simply oppose their policies through the normal political and legislative processes? ins't that what those poloitical and legislative processes are for, to enact public policies which reflect the will of the people, and their best interests?

it could be fairly argued that this recall election is nothing other than an attempt at mob rule. you can certainly see both sides of the issue; we will all have to sacrifice or go bankrupt as a nation; what sacrifice will the union mambers make? there must, ultimately , be a limite to how much society can compensate them.

AND how much of a sacrifice will the wealthy make? higher taxes for the wealthy seem appropiate and fair, and the unions, acting through regular political processes, could very well tie these two concepts together, and reach a compromise.

you get the impression that every american president from now on will be threatened with impeachment. how many more leaders will face a similar fate in our divided mob-like culture, without even engaging in criminal or traitorous activity?



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