Monday, June 18, 2012

Money, Speech, and Political Corruption.

THERE IS SPECULATION that the so called "citizens united" supreme court decision, which two and a half years ago resulted in nearly completely unregulated political campaign monetary contributions and spending, will be revisited.

lower courts are hearing related cases, some of which might well trickle up to the high court. it has further been speculated that a future less conservative court might reverse the fateful decision.

the citizens united case was another decided by the five four conservative liberal alignment. supposedly dispassionate justices, like all other humans, are unable to think in an unbiased, open minded manner; they always vote in accordance with their own known political views.

the problem of office purchasing intensified with the advent of the advertising industry, and particularly radio and, above all, television. it was once common for candidates for political office to hand out liquor and tobacco to voters, which was accepted practice, though in most cases technically illegal.

then came the mass media, and the opportunity for candidates to purchase elections with mass media advertising, and the willingness of contributors to fund the purchases.

free market fanatics like senator mitch mcConnell want virtually no regulations, even those weak ones still in existence, holdovers from the nixon era corruption.

money purchases mass media advertising, which wins elections. in theory, no, in practice, yes. the candidate with the most advertising always wins. advertising always works, always impacts people.

collecting money, spending it freely, purchasing advertising to get elected, is freedom. unqualified freedom is darwinian chaos.

absolute freedom is anarchy. "The purchase of political advertising is prohibited". such a law,limiting freedom of speech, would greatly reduce the rampant political corruption in america.

money is speech only in the most theoretical sense. money does not talk; it merely purchases the opportunity to do so.


please scroll down for the rest of The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator. Thanks!

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