Monday, June 11, 2012

Addiction and Personal Responsibility

OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS ther has been an increase in legalized gambling in america, as many states decided to go with the flow, with limitations. many places, you have to board a riverboat, which never goes anywhere, but is nonetheless floating, to wager your money.

the states have decided that the lure of tax revenue trumps moral and religious considerations - capitalism trumps christianity, everytime... count on it.

and so people all over america are losing their houses and their savings accounts, while others are getting rich quick, then usually losing it all again in further fits of greed and money lust.

casinos never lose money. they never try to help customers try to avoid losing their money.. gambling addiction is rampant, and now lawsuits are working their way through the court systems, filed against casinos by gamblers who's claim is that the casinos knowingly took advantage of a victim of gambling addiction.

the plaintiffs have a good case, and are starting to win cases, as psychologists demonstrate that gambling addiction is real and powerful, and unstoppable.

on the other side of the coin, are those who proclaim the doctrine of individual responsibility for one's actions.

should a liquor store refuse to sell to a customer if it is known that said customer suffers from alcoholism?alcoholism?  in new york city, isn't it now illegal for restaurants to serve saturated fats?

how far do we go with this? if aan addicted gamgler can successfully sue casinos for lost money, would it simply be better to once again make casinos illegal altogether?

should cable TV companies give refunds to people who can demonstrate addiction to television? a friend of mine owns a BAR BQ restaurant, and he makes sure the aroma of hot bar b q wafts across the landscape, to the nostrils of people addicted to food.

i have a distant cousin who, whenever a hurricane rips through florida, sells electrical generators, at what i am sure is a tidy profit. he's a "christian", so he feels he is helping people, or concinces himself that he is. i know a litle kid who set up his lemonade stand in front of the houses of the wealthy, and it worked.

all free enterprise is, at bottom, exploitation. at what point should we suddenly start to care?



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