Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Cornered Rat

THE DESPERATION Of the Trump movement is tangible, palpable. The fanciful, imaginative fiction movie "Two Thousand Mules" by the propaganda artist D. D'Souza is now supposed to provide absolute proof of how the twenty twenty presidential election was stolen, pathetically. It is pathetic that they can fabricate nothing better than this obvious filmed hoax. The film is nothing but misinformation, false political propaganda the qualitiy of which would make Joesph Goebbels proud. Maybe the Congressional sommmittee investigating Trump's rebellion will hand off the strong evidence to the Justice Department, and maybe, just maybe, Atrorney General Garland will actually notice how strong the proof of Trump's guilt actually is, and indict the former president with serious federal crimes at about the time Trump is announcing his candidacy for the two thousand and twenty four Republican presidential nomination. If the feds do indeed indict Trump, which in the name of justice they certainly should, or so it seems, that could be the "straw that breaks the camels back", so to speak, could ignite a civil war in American streets. How dare those deep state Democrats and liberal media types indict the great one?! Will a massive MAGA mob assemble once again in Washington D.C., armed to the teeth with assault rifles and nonsense, and violently attack the federal government and install Donald Trump by force in the office of the presidency, or attempt to? They are, as they have eminently shown, ceratinly capable of it. My neighbor from Guatemala, a naturalized citizen who works extremely hard and has an American flag flying proudly in his front yard to counteract the impact on his life of his strong Latino accent in a small far right wing American town, despises Trump, and can't understand why any American would support him, after all that's happened. "What is so hard about just admitting that you made a mistake (in supporting Trump)?", asks Jose. A fair question. I remarked that neither he nor anyone else has ever seen arrogance and pride like American arrogance and pride, and that with each passing day, the very thought of avid Trump supporters, people who have been in the Trump cult for more than five years, through thick and thin, changing their thinking now, and dumping Trump no matter how obvious his criminality is, becomes less and less likely. They are in it for the long haul, no matter how dark, evil, and cultish their loyalty is; they have long since proven that. Their minds are rigid, their toughts hardened, like concrete. They will go down with Trump, or, when he finally does go down as he inevitably must, they will slink silently away, like serpents into warm, familiar holes.

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