Friday, June 24, 2022

Reversing Rights

REVERSING ROE V WADE would have been an especially huge bombshell had we not been privy to a sneak peak several months ago, giving us time to get prepared for the roolback in women's reproductive sovereignty. The most striking aspect of the sisutaion is that the constitution says nothing about abortin, and never did. There are many things the constitution says nothing about, among them: God, the Bible, privacy, and assault rifles. For decades United States courts have been trying to use the constitution to justify their judicial decisions no matter whether the document says anything relevant or not, which it usually does not. The presumed "right to privacy" seems on the verge of vanishing, utterly. In a progressive society abortion would be perfectlly legal and vanishinglyl rare. What we have is, quite obviously, far from an enlightened, progressive, civilized society. The Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe Vs Wade is predicated on the basis that since the constitution says nothing about abortion, every state has the option of passing whatever laws pertainingi to abortion they deem fit. That, it would seem, makes perfect sense. Waht does not make sense is maintaining like some sacred relic the past and present U.S. Constitution, instead of drafting and installing a new one more applicable to our modern society. We teh AMerican people, we the United States, need a new and much updated version of our constitution, the sooner the better, poste haste. For one thing, we need to install a version of the constitution in which abortion rights are guaranteed, and the second amendment needs to be rewritten in specific language to clarify exactly what is legal and what is not in terms of weapons. Both Thomas Jefferson, who taught James Madison how to write constitutions, and James Madison, who was the main author of our traditional and current constitution, strongly believed that all constitutions should be temporary, and replaced often with new and improved versions, better suited to changing society. Basically, that makes good sense.

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