Monday, June 27, 2022

Aborting Roe v. Wade

IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to consider any issue in modern society more important than, or as important as, that of abortion. Climate change, nuclear weapons; perhaps only a few. I can see climate change, I can recall ducking beneath my desk at school to avoid being hit by a nuke from the Soviet Union. With abortion, I don't have a dog in this fight, as we say, if only because I have never married nor had any children nor gotten anyone pregnant. But the question of abortion is of such profound importance to humanity that, esentially, it involves all of us, directly, or indirectly. The Supreme Court has captured the media for the time being. It almost begins to seem as if too many people are spending too much time talking about something which talk does not improve. On the radio I hear a lady say that she had a dream, and in her dream her baby in her womb spoke to her, and told her: "I'll see you soon. Please wait for me, and we can begin our life together". My heart, as we say, broke, for I could not avoid thinking about the thought of the choice whether to allow that baby in the dream to live, or to make it die without ever having been born. Should the decision be made by the mother, by society, or by six people wearing black robes? There is no human, or combination or group of humans, qualified to make the decision. If there is a God, a supreme being to make the decision, he, she, or it is silent. Ancient manuscripts written by people don't count, since whatever they may say, its only an unending sea of opinions. Roe versus Wade, and the reversal of Roe versus Wade, both seem irrational and paltry. Trying to decide whether a document two hundred years old approves of abortion or disapproves of it, when there is no mention of "abortion" in the document, if not the epitome of ludicrous folly, is close. Much though I despise courts in which people are appointed to serve as judges only because they are known to be conservative, I must confess that I agtree with the essence of the rendering; the issue of abortion should be settled by the people at large, acting through their duly elected legislative bodies, not by a group of nine, or six people. How else can we do it? Pro choice though I am, I consider abortion murder, or, if not, too close for comfort. Abortion should be legal, but vanishingly rare, with clearly delineated regulations. The answer of course is contraception, safe, effective, available. You begin to sense that there will never be a satisfactory answer.

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