Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Trump, Telling The Truth

THE MOST RECENT republican debate, the one with all the simultaneous yelling, was a complete train wreck, and just when you think the G.O.P. campaign discourse can go no lower, it does. Daily, Rubio and Cruz attack Trump more insanely, less reasonably, and Trump approaches the finish line.Oh, how teh ergular mainstream repubs hate Trump! The farther he gets, the more likely the destruction of the repub party. Go Donald. People accuse Trump of tapping into, and thus taking advantage of, america's fears and anger, as if those who vote for him do so at gunpoint, as if Donald Trump is respondsible for everyone's fear and anger, and the way they deal with it. And it really is hilarious, listening to far right wing conservatives complain about Trump being a racist, because it took hom more than point oh oh oh one second to condemn David Duke. suddenly, Mitt Romney shows up, that splendid former candidate for president, dogging the Donald, accusing trump of being a "fraud". Trum might wish to reply that every last dollar of his nine billion is real, not counterfit, not fraudulant, and that if Mitt can prove that the Trump fortune was in any way gotten fraudulanty, have at it. Romney's speech against Trump sounds like a third grde playground spit wad fight. Desperate, and pathetic, America's far right wing. Trump, neither liberal nor conservative entirely, is redefining conservatism, moving it back toward the middle, towards sanity, and that's a good thing. Hillary and Trump, a dream match up, for all of us, the media political punditry, and we, the audience. People seem to like Trump because he says what he thinks, and doesn't seem to out his words through a filter. pPeople, myself included, like that, because it contrasts sharply with the usual canned, highly prepared remarks made by all the other politicians. To a certain point, filters are a good thing, but beyond a certain point, they render a person horribly insincere. Trump doesn't do any of that, thus he often sticks foot in mouth, or seems to. Trump has become a politician. He can no longer be described as a non politician, having run for president for many months now. But he remains an unusual, even a unique specimen. He speaks the truth, insofar as he can see it, which is questionable. You get the feeling that if Trump gave a speech to a bunch of other billionaires, and praised them for being wealthy, he would be willing to admit it. But not Hillary Clinton. And probably, not the rest of the bunch either.

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