Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Drug Testing As Treason

WHEN I RETIRED recently after a thirty five year teaching and care giving career, I soon realized I'd made a big mistake. I wasn't going tom miss the kids; I was going to miss the work schedule. so I decided to apply for a job helping senior citizens in their own homes. The lady at the office was appropriately smug and reserved when she told me a drug test would be required. So eager was I to reenter to workforce that I complied, albeit grudgingly. I told her I was opposed to drug tests, and that I smoke marijuana, to lower my blood pressure. She smiled faintly. The test was predictably humiliating, and predictably, I failed it. they didn't even bother contacting me. In the interim I have realized that by agreeing to the test, I committed treason, and was acting as a traitor. A traitor to America, to American values, committing treason against the very principles upon which our great nation was founded. The principle of freedom. To go barging into a citizen,s physical body , to remove part of it, and analyze it for its chemical contents is, and I'm sorry, flat out tyranny. And I don't care if its just piss, and I don't care the reason for doing it. There is no such thing as a good enough reason for that invasion of privacy, that abortion of American freedom. the same people who want to outlaw abortion are the ones who tend to favor drug testing in the workplace; namely, conservatives. The funny thing is, these are the same people who constantly accuse liberal democrats of favoring "big government". Under no circumstances take a drug test, no matter how much you want the job, because you don't want to make the same mistake I did, and commit treason against American freedom. Or, if you absolutely must take a drug test because you absolutely must keep your job because you just have to survive and feed your family, at least have the backbone and the love of American freedom to make your point - the point that drug testing is un-american, politely but emphatically, to your drug tester-tyrant. Particularly if you are a patriotic, freedom loving, limited government conservative, and therefore willing to stand up for your rights.

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