Friday, January 31, 2025

Trump, Impressively Harming

I NEVER, in my wildest imaginings, would have thought that a single human being could ever do as much damage to human civilization in one week as did our new president, Trump. Removing the United States from the Paris climate cagreement and from the WHO (World Health Organization) is sheer insanity, nothing but theatre, intended to make Trump look like a super patriotic "America firster". It will cost the U.S. dearly, in terms of influence on and within the global commmunity, and in terms of priceless, precious research data, the basis of all prosperity. A stunt to show our independence from world opinion, not America first, but, tragically, America alone. The world does not like Trump, except for the felllow tyrants and demagogues, people like Putin. On television Trump looks old, having aged much lately, and yes, he is too old to be president, as Biden was. Trump's offer to ofer to buy out any government worker who is interested in early retirenment is beyond crazy; beyond bizarre, intended only to give Trump a chance to actually replace two million government employees with MAGA cult members, to end the careers of the current competant federal bureaucracy, thus,according to Trump's twisted logic, destroying, once and for all, the "deep state". As always, his cult followers seem to agree with him; conservatives generally embrace the ficticious "deep state", in which millions of Trump-hating liberal democrats plot to destroy the country. Trump and his MAGA cult are seriously mentally ill, delusional, slightly more than forty percent of the American people, delusional conspiracy theorists. The sheer number of such people in America right now is amazing, and alarming, and they elected Trump and the Republicans. They embrace Trump's big election lie, deny climate change, and support the entire twisted "Project 2025" agenda, which they are already forcing on us. Trump is now claiming that the aviation disaster in Washington D.C. was caused by DEI (Diversity Eaualit Inclusion) policies. The government is forced to hire minorities, who are often less qualified, and cause disasters. according to the insane, juvenile reasoning. His executve order eliminating DEI from the federal government he and his MAGA gang insist will end reverse dicsrimination; what it will end is formal efforts to avoid racism in government hiring. Opposition to DEI derives directly from the exact same place in the political spectrum as do racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and such ills, and there is a direct connection between them. They are the people, a large percentage of the general population, who actually believe that the decline in the perentage of "white" people in America is an emergency, as if it truly matter what color the skin of Americans is, as if it matters how many Americans are white rather than black or brown. Anyone who thinks it matters is a racist. Blaming DEI for the air disaster is absolutely, stark, raving, idiotic, and it is typical of Truump; another clear demonstration of why his election was a complete tragedy and disaster for America, a tragedy and disaster which has but barely begun. Trump has already brokent the law by firing solicitors general without givng Congress prior notice, and he has alredy committed crimes as president, in his illegal executive orders. Thus is his inherent criminality once again confirmed. He simply does not care about the law. That we most likely have nearly four more years of idiotic statements, blatant lies, criminal actions, and harmful policies from Trump might be too much to bear, were we not confident of our ability to overcome and reverse it all.

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