Friday, January 24, 2025

Lying, On Steroids

DONALD TRUMP'S LIES are going to be far more egregious and blatant then during his first term, amazingly. He has clearly signaled this, by the outlandish nature of his lies duringh is first few days in office. The current whopper of the day is that all fifteen hundred of the people convicted of felonies related to the insurrecion of twenty twenty one are in fact...get this..innocent. Roughly fifteen hundred people, sentenced to prison or other punishments for such crimes as assaulting police officers, repassing, vandalism, caught on camera by more than one hundred million witnesses doing precisel these things.....innocent. Amazing, the rate of unjust convictions...That is the reason the prevaricator in chief now gives for his blanket pardon of violent criminals whose crimes were committed in service to himself. They, the violent criminals of MAGA, are in fact patriotic heroes, who were persecuted by the political system (under Biden) for political purposes, merely because they all chose to tour the Capitol building, en mass, on January 6,2021, the day the electoral college votes were verified. An estimated sixty percent of the American people do not approve of Trump's mass pardons of criminals, whch perhaps indicates that there is still a glimmer of hope for American decency and morality. And, as always, even more reprehensible than Trump for fabricating his criminal lies, are his tens of millions of followeres, for allowing him to do it whithout any repurcussions other than tacit approval. The narrative now among MAGA folk is that the Biden administration "used" the Department of Justice to conduct a campaign to destroy Donald Trump through the legal system, thus "politicizing" the D.of J., and using it for immoral, illegal ends..blah blah... This fatuous argument, of coruse, like nearly all reasoning offered by all Trump supporters on all topics, is complete piffle. Shortly before leaving office President Trump tried to steal his reelection bid, steal the presidency, and overthrow the government,violently, with a premeditated, carefully orchestrated plan by Trump. Under Biden, the Dapertment of Justice investigated the event. That's not politicizing the Justice Department; that's using it appropriately, to fight crime. When he left office, Trup stoel thousads of top secret documents, tried to hide the, denied stealing them, an refused to return them to the government when told to do so. For all this, the Justice Department under Biden investigated him Biden himself had nothing to do with it, the decision was made by Attorney General Graland. The decision was appropriate. A decision to not investigate this would have been a corruption of justice. Everytiem Trump tells an egregious lie, or does eomthing immoral or illegal, which s seemingly every day, a few of his supporters, still possessed of some semblance of decency and morality, express mild disagreement with Trump, faint, mild disagreement. Then, they say nothing further about it, as if by ignroing Trump's criminality it will just go away, as if it never existed. The extent to which Trump followers, tens of millions of them, are seemingly perfectly willing and content to act as accommplices to Trump's criminality, by supporting him, a man who, under any reasonable system of justice, belongs in prison, not in political office, much less the astonishing. Astonishing that so many Americans are willing, over a long period of time, to give their full supprot to an obvious criminal simply because his values and beliefs so closely match their own. However, when you take a closer look at what those values are, it starts to make some sense, if not much, in pragmatic if not moral terms.

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