Friday, November 29, 2024

IMPEACHING Trump Part III: Ridding The World of Trump

THE GRAND PROJECT to rid the world of Trump, engendreed here, proceeds apace, despite the expected, unsurprising arrival of skeptics. Do these people not comprehend the nobility of the pursuit of lost causes? Many years ago, my mother, who was so wise that she often told people the reason her son is not married is because he is smart, said to me: "You like causes, don't you?" Indeed, I do, the more imposible the better. As the gentleman said in the snti-Trump online group, I am "tilting at windmills". I agreed, and promptly invited him to join me. I haven't heard back. I have patience. Legalizing marijuana. Getting the U.S. the hell out of Viet Nam, are but two of the noble and correct causes for which I labored strenuously. They have in common that they ultimately succeeded, despite all odds. This one, to remove Trump from office by orchestrating a campaign of millions of Americans vociferously advocating for his impeachment, is also likely to succeed, despite all apprearenaces, despite all current self defeating skeptism. If everyone who has expressed skeptism to me would stop the negativity, and get on with the busines of communicating, informing, and recruiting, the great reprobate would face impeachment counts, for incitement to insurrection, among many other high crimes and misdemeanors, in a jiffy. The salient point is that not only will opposition to his presidency increase dramatically as his policies are implemented and their results begin to be felt by millions of Americans, but that his supporters will begin to suffer under them no less, which will cause many of them to abandom him, especially those who voted for him not because of any zealous MAGA mob loyaltiy to him, but because they just plain ole don't want a "colored" woman in the White House, or think they chose the "lesser of two evils". Or whatever. Whatever fatuous and vacuous reasoning motivated them to vote for an outright fascist, racist, psychpathic narcissist, criminal terrorist, Trump. Trump may not be impeached until after the twenty twenty six midterms. He may not be impeached at all. If impeached, he may not be removed from office, as happened twice in his last term. So what? The expression of mass disapproval of a cruel, tyranical unhinged demagogue, and the destruction of the misguided politcal movement which supports him, is paramount, notwithstanding the degree of its success. To simply say that "we tried that twice already,and it didn't work either time", is to completely miss the point, by a country mile. The point is that in a democracy, or in this case in an oligarchical plutocracy which aspires to be and which often describes itself as a "democracy", expressions of opposition to the powers that be, and especially when those powers that be are malignant and injurious to the best interests of the people and the country, are crucial. I have told many people that I will continue "Project Justice", help or no help, entirely alone if necessary, and I have told them that as long as I am alive, the grand project lives, and I mean it. As my hero "David (Davy) Crockett might say: "I'll stand up to my rack, fodder or no fodder, and may the devil take the hindmost". The skeptics are free to contiue their skepticism, and I am free to hold them in utter contempt and to go forth without them. But again I say, and will say intil hell freezes over: Donald J. Trump is a criminal, a reprobate, and a deranged fascist tyrant, and the nation and the world would be and will be much better off when he is gone from political leadership, and more than that, gone from the world. To this end I pledge my fortunes and sacred honor, to all who join with me in this noble endeavor, this impossible cause, or, if necessary, only to myself.

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