Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Impeaching Trump, Part II
PROJECT JUSTICE, to impeach Trump, for incitement to insurrection, among other high crimes and misdemeanors, is well underway, attracting attention, gaining support. And also, drawing ridicule and expressions of futility, as the naysayers chime in. The Facebook group is called: "Trump Will Be The Death of America", or something of that hyperbolic nature. Ironic, that people who name their group something unrealistic, something impossible, dare to consider unrealistic the possibility that a former and future president who has already been impeached twice can be impeached again. It is far more likely that Trump will be impeached a third time, dear reader, than that he will literally be "the death of America". That's the whole point of organizing a movement to impeach him now; to prevent him from being the death of America. America, even MAGA Republicans, would sooner and will do away with Trump before allowing him to destroy America, because their vast financial fortunes and political careers were in existence before Trump, do not entirely depend on Trump, and, they will want to see to it that both still exsit as long as they live, Trump, or no Trump. The expressions of disbelief among Trump haters are humorous. One literate gentleman accused me of "tilting at windmills". Kudos for him for having read "Don Quixote", but my suggestion is that he put Cervantes back on his doubtless extensive library shelf, and get to work, helping impeach Trump. Even the most devout MAGA cultists will sooner dump Trump than risk his or her own good fortune. If Trunp sarts to sink in a roiling sea of his usual perfidy, his cult politician followers will bail, fast. They always do. They did last time, but when Trump survived, they returned, like rats returning to a ship which, after all, did not sink....As for the quitters: It didn't work last time. Congresss is controlled by MAGA mad men. It cannot be done. Blah, and blah.The whole litany of predicatble, stale negativity. Blather, wasting oxygen, with the obvious. As if I didn't already know all this. Actually, it did work last time. It worked twice. What didn't work is removing the criminal and terrorist Trump from office. First time, MAGA summoned sufficient support in the Senate to avoid doing justice. Trump should have been removed from office for trying to blackmail Zelensky and Ukraine. Second time, the clock ran out, and Trump was allowed to go scot free, unpunished for his attemptt overthrow the governement via a violent mob. The cult adheres,strong as ever. The task is daunting. Like I told one Trump hating naysayer, I love impossible dreams, lost causes. Like I told the Don Quixote fan, the project will work if enough people,especially political leaders,believe in and support it,and like I told the moron who claimed that the project does not exist because "I refuse to provide details": the project exists, even if I am alone in participating in it. Details? The details are that "Project justice" is gaining support, fast, as evidenced by the messages I receive on the internet,a veritable avalanche of them, and by the sudden, drastic increase in the number of visitors to and readers of this website. If you want names, phone umbers, and addresses, look elsewhere, do your own research. I have not been given permission to divulge that information. Trump should never have become president, never should become president again, should be in prison now. Arguably,he should be indicted, tried, convicted, by due process, and should receive the death penalty, for treasonous insurrection. Arguably he should never have been born. But two things are true, for damned sure. First; Trump will never be impeached and removed fromo ffice if nobody tries to do it. And, secondly, at least where I live,I need to stay busy to keep me off the streets and out of trouble, and I suspect most anti-Trumpers do as well. And, in any event, where I live, its jsut too damned windy to stack BB's.
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