Monday, November 30, 2020

Eating For Racial Survival

 AS A CHILD I was fed meat, as much as I wanted, without complaint, like most Americans. once when I was about twelve I ate an entire pound of bacon for supper, to the amazement of my old sister and mother. When I was thirty six a had a good looking girlfriend who turned me into a vegetarian, but we broke up, and the indoctrination didn't stick, at least not entirely. Perhaps I relapsed for spite. For the next thirty years I was a fair weather vegetarian, and still am. I love PETA and vegetarian cuisine, but abhor rigid, inflexible rules. When I dine alone at home I vej out, but I never turn down a cheeseburger at the senior center. But I know this; the vegetarian way is better; cheaper, and healthier, for the individual, and for the planet. And PETA, of which right wing morons make so much fun, is correct, in particular, morally.Much of the ridicule come from right wing christian morons; either they never read the Commandment which says "thous shalt not kill", or read it to mean "thou shalt not kill unless I happen to get hungry". The long and short of it is this: it eh human race stopped eating meat today, with the possible exception of fish, within a few years climate change would have begun to reverse, and would the global rate of coronary heart disease and cancer. Global meat production contributes nearly as much carbon [pollution to the atmosphere as the fossil fuel industry. To quote Casey Stengal, "you could look it up". Or, you could argue with scientists at places like Harvard and M.I.T., which would only embarrass  you. As usual, science has the answer, as anyone who has ever eaten an "Impossible Burger" from Burger King well knows. Made entirely from soybeans, it tastes exactly like black angus. You simply must try one.the fellow who invented it hit the nail dead one, and he plans to continue replacing meat with vegetable substitutes which taste identical to meat. When he succeeds, and he will, he will save the world, and we will live in a different world. since much of the human population would rather did of a heart attack or cancer than give up meat, meat substitutes which taste and texture exactly like meat must be invented, and the Impossible Burger" proves that they can and will. It is not unreasonable to predict that because of education, market forces and sheer necessity, the practice of killing and consuming animals by humans will be extinct. if it isn't, we may be.

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