Monday, August 3, 2020


EXACTLY WHY a substantial segment of the American people reject science is subject for speculation and scrutiny. Cultural arrogance, individualism, and educational ignorance explain much of it. As Carl Sagan said, there is no shortage of intelligence in America or anywhere else, only a shortage of education. perhaps high school science should be less elective, more requisite. Science, after all, is the only true religion, the only way we have of knowing reality. As Goethe said: "Behold the phenomena, for they are the doctrine." Science always gets it right, no matter how long it takes, and sometimes it takes a long time. Religion, by contrast, which embraces mythology, is content to linger long in fantasy, without self improvement, without changing itself, without ever getting closer to the truth The way science works, it tries to explain something, to solve problems. Then, it proves its first attempt wrong, every time. time and time again, a million, science gets it wrong. Finally, after a million wrong theories, it finds one that it cannot disprove, no matter how times the theory is tested, and finally, science has it right. for instance, climate change and evolution have been tested time and again, millions of times, by scientists all over the world, and they both come up true, every time. Science always tries to change, to improve itself. Science always gets it right, in the long run, always ends up at the truth, which is why the fact that so man Americans ignore or distrust it is so inexplicable. All Americans, except maybe the Amish, bask in the benefits of science daily, through technology, and wonders like cell pones and modern medicine which make our lives beautiful. Religion and superstition provide nothing tangibly beneficial, and yet people embrace it, while rejecting scientific truth all the while taking full advantage of those truths in their daily lives. People want explanations, because humans are inherently curious creatures. By inventing conspiracy theories and invisible forces and embracing religion people get the explanations they so crave, without having to expend the effort and discipline necessary to understand science, which becomes so complicated that it sometimes seems like deep, dark magic. thus it becomes far easier to simply deny climate change and evolution by natural selection and the efficacy of vaccines than to understand chemistry, physics, and biology. it becomes easier to ascribe self inflicted human suffering to invented abstractions like "evil" and "Satan" than to study the complexities of historical and cultural trends and institutions, and esoteric subjects like sociology and human psychology. sadly, because once one dares to enter the shallow waters of actual science adn reality, it becomes more comfortable, and one is actually tempted to swim in deeper. But, alas, laziness i often the easiest way out.

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