Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Exposing Crime

A NEW EXPOSITORY GENRE  has emerged; that of former Republican insiders abandoning the party under Trump, and writing tell all books explaining why. Examples are David Brock and Stuart Stevens. (see previous article). These, combined with the revelatory works by people such as Mary Trump, John Bolton, and others, combine to make for a substantial and reliable anti-Trump body of primary source material. They all share similarities and common themes. Donald Trump is wholly unfit to serve as president because of his personal character and temperament, ks a person of low morality, wholly has committed multiple crimes before and since his election, and should be removed from office as soon as possible. He was elected by the electoral college with a minority of American votes by an angry right wing white conservative evangelical Christian constituency, people who fear that traditional American values are being undermined by societal acceptance of homosexuals, transgenders, non christian, minorities, and immigrants. They want to establish a theocratic America, in which the Christian religion is official, and progressive values are eliminated. To achieve this, Trump's supporters were willing to abandon traditional conservative and Republican values such as fiscal restraint and family values, and to elect a person they saw as strong, a person whose strength is conspicuously based on low moral character, a bullying personality, and a tendency to seek revenge on all opponents, a true demagogue. They simply ignore Trump's obvious traitorous criminality because, well, he is pro life, supposedly, and he is not a liberal. The conservative evangelical community has also abandoned all Christian values in supporting Trump, while piously pretending not to. What is it about Donald Trump that is imitative of Jesus Christ? The women, the sexual predatory history? the greed and constant striving for personal wealth? the pathological dishonesty? the vicious insults and bullying towards those who disagree with him? Their pathetic excuse is that, biblically is is not necessary to be a Christian to fight for the Christian faith, that God often appoints unlikely champions for his purposes. This pathetic justification for supporting an criminal and an traitor is no more sensible that the rest of their twisted, diabolical thought and behavior. Not only has Trump exposed his own criminality and traitorous character, so have the Republican party, the conservative community, and the conservative evangelical Christian base which reveals its hypocrisy and fundamental evil on a daily basis, and which will never fully recover any semblance of decency or credibility.

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