Monday, December 7, 2015

Withholding Sex, and Saving the World

LONG ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED YEARS AGO, in the middle of one of those never ending wars for which we humans are known and loved, Aristophenes got impatient, and wrote a very funny play, called "Lysistrata", because of it. IN the play, you all know, lady organizes all the babes to withhold all sex from all men till such time as hostilities cease, and swords are beaten in plowshares. The play has been read, enjoyed, and enacted millions of times down through the millennia, except by conservative Christians, who prefer to ignore sex, or any and all references thereto. Even now, unless I'm, dreaming, there's another version sprouting up along Broadway. My suggestion is this: let's do it again! for real. Ladies of the world unite! You have only your lover's wrath to dodge. Aint a few billion frustrated, horny men worth the elimination of all violence, war, and climate change on Earth? Oh yes, dear ladies, let's up the ante. Let's bargain hard, in earnest. No more fun stuff till the swords are plowshares, and the air clear and pristine. the only problem is, it would have no impact on conservative Christians and Muslims, who rarely have sex anyway. But we could "work around" that. You think this sounds crazy, try listening to everyone's else's solutions. Ted Cruz wants to bomb Iraq until the sands glow. He and others like him, conservative idiots, want to ignore global warming, because they don't like it. Now, against that backdrop of sheer lunacy, enter the Truthless Reconciler, citing Aristophanes, and taking a cue from it. think about it. It makes more sense than you might think. think of the power you rally have, ladies of the world! think how you could use this power, with the mere crossing of the legs, to make the world a much, much better place.

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