Monday, October 12, 2015

Texting, and Not Talking

RESEARCH IS STARTING to come in regarding electronic devices and their overall impact on humans. The jury is still out on brain cancer, but early returns seem to indicate that all this texting, tweeting, and facebooking is having a negative impact on communication, namely face to face conversation skills. Little wonder, since nobody ever engages in old fashioned face to face polite conversation anymore. Why bother, when a quick text message will do? whenever any two humans are forced to actually converse face to face, they have no idea what to do. My personal opinion is that the electronic revolution, big screen, high def, smart phones, the internet, and all that, is the greatest thing since bread began being sliced and packaged conveniently for your average American consumer. A true wonder, our great computer-electronic revolution, with the potential to greatly improve the world. Its all good. However, I love the fact that, and am grateful that I live in a free country, where I am free to not have any of that stuff. I used to have all that stuff, and one fine day I became enlightened, and got rid of it all. The feeling of liberation is indescribable, you have to be there. Maybe someday I'll get it all back. Its the freedom of choice I like. I have an old fashioned primitive home phone, no television of any sort, and I use computers at public libraries. Much less expensive that way. My entertainment is radio and library books, my cats, and the great outdoors, which is not only just fine, but incredibly fulfilling. My telephone never rings. Why should it, when all they have to do is text? No text, no talk. People tell me they tried to text me, evidently without ever even remotely considering the possibility that a person might choose not to utilize that particular service. I thank t hem, and tell them to keep trying...

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