Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Silencing the Pope for Being Disobedient

I HAVE SOME CONSERVATIVE frenimies (believe it or not) who were really pumped up when Francis became Pope. Seems they found some pre papal quotes touting the value of free enterprise, and the freedom stifling effects of state economic interventionism. Cloud nine for the cons. A gloriously capitalistic, conservative, corporate Pope! But not so fast. Perhaps there was a slight misunderstanding. Flash bulletin :Pope labels trickle down Reagononics a "myth", touts severity of man made global warming. Say what!?! How can this be ? Kingdom of conservate christiandom thrown into turmoil. Enter second time American presidential aspirant Slick Rick sanitarium Santorum, a sure loser, to set the Pontiff straight. Santorum says the Pope should stick to matters of morality and church dogma, and leave science to those who know it best, namely, those who deny global warming, if there are still eny left. (they're getting hard to find, unless one looks under corporate boardroom hors devours spreads or at republican party functions.) After all, the church never was very good at science, Santorum says, having always chosen to cling to outdated science, and it does dogma much better. Ironically, is is the Pope who is accepting science, and Rick and his ilk who cling like imaginary Martian lichens to outdated science. Rock on,Rrickie boy! If the Pope disagrees with you, and departs from conservative dogma, he should shut up, and you should be the one to tell him to. After all, you've only been voted out of the Senate once, and failed seeking the presidency, um, twice, almost. Stand tall upon your flat earth while your former spiritual leader goes flying waywardly into some unimaginably fantastic, liberal, literal scientific future.

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