Monday, April 27, 2015

Bush, Complaining From a Very Safe Distance.

WELL, IF THAT AINT THE POT calling the kettle black. Since he left office, and handed Barack Obama a severe recession and two needless, devastating wars, George Bush the younger has, wisely, kept his mouth shut. But shut he can keep it no longer. perhaps he feels that he has given his successor sufficient honeymoon time, and adequate head start before unleashing the hounds of vitriol. According to George Junior, Obama has made a thorough mess of things, notably in the field of foreign policy, most particularly with regard to dealing with Iran and the infamous nuclear issue. In this he is merely echoing the standard republican line. Obama is being too mild, too tentative, too trusting, too naive, the usual claptrap. As if he, or anyone else who might have been president, could have levied super harsh economic sanctions on Iran for years, watch them retrench, dig in, and survive, and then expect them to capitulate when suddenly the sanctioneers turn soft and offer to come to the table. When you've already been put through the meat grinder, economically, and have survived, yes, you are interested in coming to the negotiating table in the hopes of getting the sanctions removed and restoring your economy. but no, you are not in a mood to capitulate to tough treaty negotiations; why would you be? you've already taken their best shot, short of invasion or bombing, have weathered the storm ,and have remained standing, if considerably. weakened. So what if the sanctions continue? You can make it clear that you are willing to budge, willing to compromise; but only to a certain extant. In short, no amount of tough talk, after years of hard economic times imposed by the people to whom you are suddenly talking, is going to sway you; you might as well stand up to the tough guys, and make a deal you feel you can live with, or make no deal at all, and simply keep going on in a state of economic deprivation. They won't dare initiate military action; if they did dare, they would have done so already, probably a long time ago. Anyone who thinks he or she could have brought the Iranians, who are already prostrate, to their knees with tough talk, is a wing bag, and nothing more or less. And let's not even get started listening to Bush 2 criticize Obama on his conduct of the extant wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; the bush boys started those themselves, then failed to finish what they started. If you can't finish your own fights, don't complain about someone who can.

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