Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Republicans, Undermining America, Like Traitors

AS YOU KNOW, if you don't live on Mars, Obama is trying to negotiate a treaty with Iran to get them to stop making atomic bombs. And good luck with that, right? Meanwhile, forty seven Obama-hating republicans in the U.S. Senate sent a letter to the Iranian government, explaining that Obama is a comeplete joke, and that nothing he does holds water, or will ever last beyond his sorry time in the White House. OK, fine. They're entitled to their opinion, but are they entitled to try to sabotage negotiations being conducted by the Presiddente' del Americano? The President makes foreign policy in the United States, right? And Congress gives advice, reaction, and, in the case of treaties, an up or down vote. (in this case, congressional approval is NOT required, contrary to what our Repub-cong-cons claim) But are these republicans interfering with the actual MAKING of foreign policy, illegally? Gee, what a tremendous thing to do! Can we say "treason"? Or, perhaps, "prison"? To the gallows with them all! (joke). Crazily enough, all this got started by a freshman Senator from the great state of Arkansas, a youngster about forty or younger, with short neat hair, and the weird belief that society would be better off were we all to carry Bibles and firearms on our deeply religious and patriotic persons. Hilariously, the perceptive Iranians took one look at the republican letter, and told the conservative Senators exactly where to put said letter, namely, to fold it five ways and put it where the moon shine, to quote Tolstoy. All because the letter is complete garbage, nothing but propaganda, which is what the sharp Iranians called it. and of course they are quite correct. The Persians have been around for thousands of years, and they know a thing or two, they by God know propaganda when they see it. Hatin Obama is one thing, but usurping and undermining the office of the President is quite another. Conservative republicans of America: it is not necessary to commit treason in order to register your disapproval of Obama. You can use social media, which, after all, is where all the other garbage is stored.

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