Monday, September 15, 2014

Owing Too Much to the Rich

THE WORD "GARNISH", like most English words, has multiple meanings. One can cook a turkey, and garnish it with butter, garlic, various seasonings. Somebody can garnish someone's else's wages, which means, confiscate them, all or part. IN the United States, this usually requires a court order, but not always. In the United States of Arrears, wherein everybody, public and private, is in debt, and the teeming masses are becoming increasingly indebted and angry, an ever higher percentage of American citizenry is being victimized by garnished wages, having to do with money owed to corporations, former spouses, and the government. We all owe something to somebody or something, in the land of unregulated economics and rent seeking. Rent seeking is defined by economics as any attempt to increase the return on an investment without increasing the actual value of the asset. Added fees to credit cards, mortgages, and other loans are a prime example. Our corporate financial services masters milk fee and interest money out of the nation's poorest borrowers, refusing to allow their government to regulate the scam, then if and when aforementioned financial services corporations go broke by excessive gambling and exploitation, they run to the government to get saved, saved by the very taxpayers they so smugly abused. Once saved, the abuse begins all over again, right under the noses of the seemingly distracted citizenry. The one tenth of one percent, running roughshod over, sucking up the wealth of the ninety nine point nine percent. If it isn't some ex spouse garnishing you, its come corporation, or the Internal Revenue Service, or some other government entity. The teeming American masses are growing desperate, restless, angry. There may come a day when everyone in America is being garnished, and the American people are garnishing the government in a class action lawsuit to end all class action law suits. The American judicial system, owned by the same corporate oligarchy that owns everything else, comes down hard on those who dare owe our corporate master too much, for too long. When enough of us are living in the streets, might we dare make those streets ours, at last?

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