Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Greetings, From Below

Greetings, NSA, CIA, and/or FBI monitors, and here's wishing you all the best luck in sniffing out potential terrorists from among american citizenry. Terrorism, othr than sloth, greed, procrastination, stupidity, and anger, is the single greatest threst to america today, and the only good terrorist is an apprehended and talkative terrorist, with the aid of water torture, if necessary. The seductivecorporate sulture which entices us, distracts us, and sedates us away from awareness and concern about encroaching tyranny, pervasive poverty, deteriorating environment is making its presence felt ever more on the internet. Companies like AOL, MSN, and others bombard us with mindless drivel, disguised as meaningful content. The Top Ten Cities for Health and Happiness. Twelve mistakes You must Never make on a date. Top Salaried celebrities of the year. And on, and on, and on, ad nauseum. And sadly, frighteningly, this crap has enough populatiry to motivate its purveyors to keep bringing it. Otherwise we would be rid of it. Corporate marketing is a very accurate science. They know what americans want, because they go to the trouble to find out. Then too, of course, "they", our corporate masters, certainly should know what we want, because they tell us what we want,and what to want. The standard formula usually has something to do with sex, and violence, the old standbys. Somebody needs to get hold of the marketing division, and inform them that the lowly masses would be flattered to have their preferences, on important issues, examined. The masses do not mind being spoon fed received wisdom, to a point. In fact, they seem to rather enjoy it. So why should the giant corporations do anything wyich might provoke thought? At the risk of becoming the next edward snowden, one feels obliged to point out that the american political, economic, and social systems of america are owned and controlled, from to to bottom, by the ultra wealthy elite. Ultra wealthy elite businesses, ultra elite wealthy individuals. The party of property. No party representing the people at large has ever survived in the united states without being hijacked by the interests of the, you guessed it, wealthy, elite, powerful few. How ironic it would be if we the people, the lowely, teeming masses, lured deeper into the internet by our corporate bosses, end up discovering the true potential of the internet, and utilized this potential instrument of oppression and tyranny to resist the ruling plutocracy, and establish true democracy and equality among the teeming masses of everyday common folk. But in the meantime, greetings to the CIA, the FBI, the NSA...

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