Monday, August 5, 2013

Flea Medication, and Viet Nam

I walked into my veterinarian's office and told her that even ough my cats haven't been outside in three months, they have fleas, and what might her suggestion be? She suggested a topical ointment, and a pill. I told her I like the pill idea, because all three of my cats like to eat, and that i had alreday ried a topical ointment. She asked me whether i got the ointment from a vet, or from wal mart. Wal Art, I admitted, somewhat sheepishly, nervously. Then its worthless, she said, no better than water. I told her that somehow, i felt as though i could believe her. And, in point of fact, the walmart ointment didn't seem to help at all, and the very expensive pills hse sold me seemed to work very well. All this se me to thinking: all medicine for dogs and cats sold by walmart is no good? How can this be? How can they get away with it? The ointment i bought was a big name brand, hartz, or something like that. Big company, i thought. How can they, and wal mart, get awawy with selling snake oil? Lax government regulation, must be the only answer. Surely its against the law to manufacture, market and sell flea medicine which doesn't work! But it must be in the language, the legalize, by which a company can claim the productr's intent to be effective, and effectiveness, in most cases. While i was spending sixty dollars on flea medication, a very old man sitting near me saw my red white and blue T shirt an inquired whether i were in the military, or ever had been. I replied that i never had been, that when i was eighteen i would have gone to canada rather then to viet nam, but that i would join the military now, now that I'm too old. He didn'tlike what i said, about viet nam. Waving his cane at me, he screamed that he was a veteran of the canadian military! Instead of replying that no foreign service member was going to judge my american patriotism, i merely smiled, took my sixty dollars worth of pills for my cats, and left the building, much to my credit. Is there a possibility that corporate ownership and control of america can explain both american involvement in viet nam, and bad flea medicine in our stores? Is there a connection there, somewhere?

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