Wednesday, August 7, 2024


THE BATTLE LINES have been drawn, not that both parties have their ticket in place. Kamala Harris made a good choice, even though Minnesota probably would vote for her no matter what, and Pennsylvania might not. Watz brings a good solid unabashedly progressive resume, and a go getting upbeat forceful personality to go with it, the type of intellegence and personality that can whip either of the Republican canddates. In terms of intelligence, quickness on feet, ability to argue, Harris and Watz, quite obviously, have it all over Trump and Vance. Harris and Watz both have dynamic, positive personalities, great personal records of service, and a boatload of great ideas which only need to be presented to the country, and compared with what Trump has to offer, to win over America, and win the election. Trump and Vance never laugh or smile. Trump and Vance are a pair of zombies, spouting prepackaged hatred and venomous lies. They both go off script and burst out with irrelevant insults, crazy conspiracy theories, and blatant lies. Vance got his childless adult cat woman notion in his head, and couldnt let go of it. It made no sense, solves nothing. It gets worse. Evidently, shockingly, J. D. Vance is one of these religious fanatics who actually tries to maintain biblical viewpoint about all things, including the family and marriage. Accordingly, all marriages must be preserved, no matter what. Women must remain in an abusive marriage, no matter how bad the abuse. And, it goes without saying, gay marriage, same sex marriage, is, in the twisted arahaic world of J.D. Vance, an abomination. This, of courrse, is pure insanity, but central to J.D. Vance's way of thinking. Amazing, that such a backwards person could even be considered as a candidate for vice president on a major party ticket. Welcome to American conservatism, and the Rpublican party, 2024 eidtion...Trump's rambling screeds at his rallies are inchoherent, spewing only pure raw anger and hatred, to the delight of his brain numbed sycophants. Trump is pretendng to be thrilled at the addition of Governor Watz; he'll change his mind soon enough, if not publicly. The one single argument which Trump plans to use against the Democrats is apparently that they are extremely liberal, much too liberal, and would therefore destroy the country. The very fact that Trump and the Republicans are choosing this approach clearly demonstrates that they have no effective opposition to provide. They are out of ideas, intelletually and morally bankrupt, thrashing about, looking desperately for a way to win, even as Harris pulls ahead of Trump in the polls, a litte bit more every day, getting a lead she will never relenquish. In truth, it is Trump and the Republicans who offer the extremist, radical agenda. An extremist far right wing conservative regresssive agenda of returning America to a less tolerant, more rigid, less diverse time. Racism is a core value of Donald Trump, a core value of American conservatism, a core value of the current Republican party, and, unfortunately, a traditional core value of America itself, much as we might like to pretend otherwise. By embracing minorities, including the LGBTQ community, the Democratic party has positioned themelves as the antithesis to racism, anti immigrant sentiment, and anti minority ideology. That's why Kamala Harris is the perfect candidate to run against Trump; she opposes perfectly his anti minority racist ideology. Economically, socially, in every possible way, the Trump Republican agenda is taylored for the wealthy white elite, for a Christian nationalist patriarchy, traditional values of a bygone era. "Progressive" means precisely that; progress. Moving away from the repressive social norms of the past, opening up opportunity to all, incluiding ethnic minorities and LGBTQ people. This "Project 2025" insanity, which conservative evangelical America embraces, advocates a strictly enforced heterosexual Christian culture with a government packed with conservative extremists, enforcing their reactionary agenda. When a large majority of the American people actually become aware of the differences in the two parties, the difference between progressive plans for the future and the right wing regression back to the past, the electorate will be shocked and horrified at the possibility of Trump winning, and will reject him strongly, once and for all. Do we fight climate change, or keep burning coal? Do we accept gay people, or lock them up? Do we embrace religious freedom and tolerance, or impose Christianity by law? Basic questions, important qustions, with starkly different answers indeed.

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