Friday, January 12, 2024

Comparing, Contrasting

LET'S ENGAGE un a little comparing and contrasting. Let's compare and contrast the situations of two prominent figures in the news, President Biden's son Hunter, and Jim Jordan, Republican congressperson from Ohio, high ranking official within the House of Representatives. The Republicans are considering holding the former, Hunter Biden, in contempt of Congress, while the Democrats are thinking about holding Jim Jordan in contempt of Congress for his refusal to testify when the Democrats controlled the House, up until just recently. Their subcommittte investigating the insurrection of January 2021 instructed Rep. Jordan to testify, which he refused to do. Currently, House Republcians ordered Huner Biden to testify about his personal matters, insisting that he do so, privately, behind closed doors. He agreed, but insisted that he testify in public, and he even showed up in person, ready to testify, but, since the proceeding was in public, the Republican committee refused to allow him to do so. Incredibly, the Republican controlled House will likely indeed hold Biden in contempt of Congress, not because of any refusal on his part to testify, but because of his insistence that he do so in public, in front of god and country. Incredible. The Democrats thought it might be a good time to similarly hold Congressperson Jordan in contempt of Congress, and have put forth a bill to that effect. Five'll get you ten that the Republican conrolled House of Reps will vote, by a narrow margin, to not so do. Jordan refused to testify about an event of crucial, vital importance ot the entire country, vital to the national security of America. Jordan refused, because the investigation into Trump's insurrection makes not only Trump look bad, it reveals many Republcians to have been guilty of being accomplices in the crime. The Republcan purusit of Hunter Biden is purely vindictive, retaliatory, an attempt to punish President Biden for defeating Donald Trump in the election and becoming president. Hinter Biden is being dealt with appropriately through the criminal justice system, as is Donald Trump. There is absolutely no need for Congress to investigate or to continue ot harass Hunter Biden, other than out of pure hatred and revenge. Not only should Republican members of Congress be indicted and tried and probably convicted for aiding and abetting Trump's insurrrection, but also for obstructing the investigation of it in Congress iteslf. Hunter Biden, who paid back his back taxes and is a recovering drug addict, should continue his rehab process, as he seeks to lead a better life. Jim Jordan, and nearly all Republicans in Congress, both houses, should, arguably, be indicted, tried, convicted, and incarcerated, for supporting Trump's election lie, and his consequent attempt to overthrow the American government violently. The hypocritical traitorous behavior of the Republicans in simultaneously trying to sweep the insurrection under the rug and forget about it, while persecuting an innocent and irrelevant person merely for the sake of revenge, is astonishing in its immorality and corruption. Worse yet, blame properly goes not only to Trump or a few Republican politicians and leaders, but rather, to the entire corrupt, immoral, treasonous party, a criminal enterprise and terrorist organization with sufficient guilt to spread to every single member.

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