Thursday, November 2, 2023

Punishing Good Republicans

NOT ALL REPUBLICANS are bad, not all of them do the wrong thing all the thing, just almost all of them. One might wish to consider the examples of John McCain, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger. McCain spent a long, distinguished political career in the U.S. Senate listening to Democrats, compromising with them, and treating them with respect and friendship, while simultaneously staunchly fighting for what he believed in, which for the most part was a traditional conservative agenda. During the Trump administation, he had the audactiy to disagree with President Trump, and for that, Trump, ever the low life, spent the remainder of Senator McCains's life slandering the Senator, who, in the estimation of many, was a great American, an American hero. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger both had similar qualities; an intellgent, reasonable approach to not only their own views, but also, to those of their political opponents, those with whom they disagreed. Because of their intelligence, integrity, and high character, they were summarily drummed out of the Republican party, as good people seem to be generally these days. (Republicans accept only reprobates, and expell the virtuous). Kinzinger has a new book out, titled:"Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty In Our Divided Country". The book tells Kissinger's personal story, including the avalanche of death threats he got and still gets for daring to tell the truth about Donald Trump, which a good Republican must never do. What doomed both Cheney and Kinzinger to poliical electoral defeat was their participation in and service on the House Committee which investigated the Capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021, a committe in which there were several Democrats and only two Republicans. Cheney and Kinzinger. This commitee investigated every nook and cranny of the insurrection, and it became obvious that Donald Trump conceived, planned, orchestrated, and implemented the entire attempt to violently overthrow the U.S. government, for which Trump will soon go teo trial, possibly be convicted, and possibly serve time in prison, if justice prevails. Time will tell. For having the audacity to believe that Trump's insurreciton should be investigated, Republicans are kicked out of the party. Amazing. Any Repubican who doesn't cover for Trump is political toast. The Republican party has been thoroughly taken over by extremists to whom deceit, including self deceit, is acceptable in the service to their cause. Both Kissinger and Cheney stood up to Trump, and couragsusly told the truth about him, which is forbidden within the Republican party, and indeed, conservative America, and conservative evangelical America. The insane attitude Trump supporters have about Trump, their refkusal to accept reality, shall evidently eventually result in the Republican presidential candidate in twenty twenty four being under indictment and on trial for no fewer than ninety one separate felonies. To even conisder allowing such a situation, much less actually embracing it, is total insanity, and highly indicative of the self delusions embraced by Trump supporters, delusions obviously ridiculous and false. As if all the grand jury members in four different cities were planted on the juries by local Democrats, just to "get Trump". That makes about as much sense as accusing the Dominion voting machine company of stealing the election for Biden, a wackko conspiracy theory whose chief originators just the other day acknowledged were pure fabrications. Today's Republican party is a prime distributor of fabrications, such as, for instance, that Donald J. Trump is fit to go anywhere near the White House.

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