Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Corrupting of The People

THE 'L.E.A.R.N.S." ACT passed in Arkansas and was signed into law by Governor Sarah Huckstabe Sanders. "LEARNS", as you might suspect, is a crazy, contrived acronym:Literacy...Empowerment...Accountability...Responsibility...Networking...School Safety...Just a bunch of good sounding words, strung together to spell out the word "Learns"...By this you migh deduce and extreme creativity and brilliance of the part of those who thought it up. If so, you would be mistaken. Before becoming governor of Arkansas, Sanders spent the better part of two years standing in front of the national media, looking into the camera, and spouting thousands of lies on behalf of President Trump. that evidently endeared her to Arkansas conservative voters. Now, she is proudly, diligently trying to sign into law the toxic false educational agenda of the far right. The LEARNS ACT is another example of the right wing disease, the progenitor of "Trumpism" still sweeping the country. It bans books, bans acknowledgement of racism and homosexuality in Arkansas public schools, because conservatives prefer that they didn't exist, and thus, thou shalt not. Sheer insanity, propaganda, indoctrination, false fascism, this abominable LEARS ACT, and, for that matter, the entire far right wing twisted educational agenda. The act steals money from public education, public money raised by the taxpayers, and gives it to private schools. The Republicns seem to have forgotten their own dogma, that free enterprise only works without government interference, that socialism is bad, and that therefore public money must not be used to assist private enterprise. Thousands of librarians and public school teachers hate the LEARNS ACT, probably because of its canctioning, mandating of book banning, and legislated theft of public school funds and their transfer to private parties. Therefore thay have filed a lawsuit in federal court over it, and a federal jusge has put the damnable, contemptible mess on hold; effectively delaying or possibly even prevenitng it from ever going into law, God willing. All over america these cazy and crazier far right wing wing laws targeting LGBTQ people and indoctrinating children with lies is being given stron opposition, in the courts and in he media, especially among intelligent, educated people, the sort who oppose Trump. It seems likely that eventually this current upsurge in far right fascism in America as manifested by the Republican Party, will subside and be For the moment, however, it is tragically, very much alive, it not well and the sacred crusade agaisnt it thus must carry on, vigorously.

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