Thursday, September 27, 2018

Good and Bad Ideas Within The Faith

WITHIN THE CHRISTIAN FAITH is a movement dedicated to the proposition, as Abraham Lincoln might say, that sex without marriage is a bad idea, a proposition most assuredly not embraced by the libidinous Mr. Lincoln himself. That sex outside of marriage is inadvisable is seemingly self evident, as Thomas Jefferson might say, although he too failed to embrace this idea, he, like Mr. Lincoln, having been of the libidinous and promiscuous sort. To go to the trouble to form an organization devoted to an obviously good idea might seem redundant, redundant of common sense, like the SPCA, but, well, no harm, no foul. The sexual purity movement is popular, like all good ideas. Approximately six thousand Mormon women have an organization of their own, so dedicated, and so conceived. Currently the Mormon women's purity organization is encouraging a full investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, and encouraging the four Mormon members of the United States Senate to vote no on his confirmation to the Supreme Court, all of which would certainly to be in keeping with the lady's stated purpose. Since Kavanaugh is now alleged to have shown his genitals at a party in high school, among other violations of common courtesy, his support seems to be waning among..most everyone. If he tried to violently rape a girl, he is both mentally ill and incompetent at wrestling; if he shared his genitals with onlookers he is downright sick in the head. Either way, why chance it? why have on the nation's highest court a person who at any moment might part his black robe and reveal too much? Sometimes, the strange union between the Christian faith and political conservatism causes problems, best described as "internal contradictions". Precisely how, for instance, does a good Christian woman possibly support an American president who has been accused of multiple sex crimes by multiple women, independently of each other? And how can she support the president's nominee to the Supreme Court, himself similarly accused? Only with great difficulty, presumably. or, you simply assume that all alleged violated women are fabricating their misfortunes, for some mysterious reason, money, maybe, or fame. he sort of fame which causes you to be vilified, called a liar and a slut. Some fame. The reverend John Hagy proclaims that Kavanaugh should stand tall, and refuse to surrender to an obvious Democratic party conspiracy against him. The women's complaints he dismisses blithely, conveniently, sanctimoniously. Misogyny fits well into the traditional Christian faith, in which women, according to scripture, are submissive. Trump simplifies: he pays the women to go away, and they go away. he says he's innocent, as all criminals do, because he has paid. For abused women, the abuse cannot be undone, and money trumps justice. For Trump, he retains the love and support of the conservative Christian faithful, all quite convenient. Whatever it takes to reconcile Christ and the conservative republican politicians His flock supports, it shall be done. But at least we have the purity movement within the faith. perhaps a bit of purity particularly politically, is just what the doctor, and the Prince of Peace ordered.

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