Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Making Peace, Strangely

USUALLY, when a hugely important international agreement is negotiated and signed, it involves months of preparation by thousands of people, just to make hotel accommodations, among other things, it involves a tremendous amount of legal analysis and international law, and page after page of specifics within the actual agreement. Not so, when Donald J. Trump is involved. In the current international agreement recently signed, the one in which North Korea mentions its intent to become denuclearized, Trump dispensed with all the details and hard work, and just went with his gut, claiming that within microseconds of meeting the North Korean dictator, hew, the Donald, would be able to get a reading, assess, and react according, producing the desired result. A couple of quick phone calls, a first class flight there and back, and there you have it, the perfect beginning to what could, or could not, become a peace process of historical profundity. Just like that. No problem. The actual document is half a page of noble Nobel?) sounding rhetoric about everyone's desire to bring about a more peaceful, prosperous, non nuclear bomb world for each and all. The document says nothing that hasn't been said time and again, including by the present North Korean dictator, but, well, you never know. the unique feature this time was the person to person face to face meeting at the summit. To Trump's credit, he is the only American president willing so far to meet with Kim Jong Un. Two extremely eccentric, unbalanced, narcissistic demagogues. We might have had a better combination, but, we take what we can get. Doubtless the Trump gang will once again raise the hue and cry for the Nobel Peace prize, laughably. Equally likely is that within days the president will regress to referring to his partner in peace as "little rocket man"...

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