Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mere Formalities

REPUBLICAN TEXAS SENATOR cruz is one of those gems the republican party loves to proudly display; a young, attractive, conservative minority politician. Most hispanics are liberal democrats, but most texans are conservative republicans, so, mister cruz seems to have a winning formula. at least, for now.

most of the hispanics in texas support the immigration bill now in congreess, in which a "pathway to citizenship" is offered to all the illegal immigrants in amerca, eleven million or whatever. Cruz, however, opposes the bill, using the strange logic that it isn't fair to legal hispanic immigrant citizens who got their citizenship the right way.

It isn't fair to the ones who did it the right way to give amnensty to those who didn't. But, exactly why not? Most of the hispanics who became american citizens the legal way are in favor of a pathway to citizenship for the illegals, and providing it doesn't seem to do any harm to anyone.

Just as common sense dictates a ne approach to illegal immigrants, it also dicates a new approach to mexico, by the united states. The united states is deeply involved in mexico, whether it wants to be or not. So, why not accept that fact, and try to make it work for the betterment of everyone?

Mexico can be made into a place far fewer people want to leave, and more people want to visit and invest in. Just like the united states, mexico needs more opportunity for the poor, and less sucking of the wealth out of the pockets of the poor by the wealthy. The word is "minimum wage".

May the day come when all the people of the earth are citizens of the earth, and borders are mere formalities.

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