Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Conservatism Speaks!

The Truthless Reconciler claims to be open minded, but why is everything liberal? Why does the TR talk about the 99%, but not the 1%? The top one percent, the filthy rich people, are not all bad. Consider Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, whom you claim to admire. Tax the wealthy, punish success, discourage people from trying to be successful.

Greed is good. We need to cultivate a society in which people compete like wild animals for everything, including jobs, money, water, food - everything. It makes people tougher, stronger, better.

Conservatism, rather then liberalism, is the answer, the way to go. Tradition is the best guide, and, yes, we should maintain the same religion that we have had for two thousand years, it makes more sense than ever.

Capitalism and Christianity go perfectly well together. Jesus did not say government should confiscate people's wealth and give it to people who are failures, because the "producers", the "achievers", know best how to reinvest their wealth in the community; the government does not know best.

Socialism is for weenie dogs, and people who want to confiscate other people's money, and redistribute it to the poor. Let the poor go get jobs!

Thank you, Truthless Reconciler, for allowing this brief appearance of conservatism in The Truthless Reconciler, and we conservatives hope there will be more opportunity for us to express our conservative point of view in the TR in the future. Thanks!

by Billy "pruning" Shears, guest writer.

Editor's Note: The Truthless Reconciler is indeed dedicated to openmindedness, and constantly tries to get conservatives to write. Perhaps we will now enjoy more success in this attempt.

Please scroll down for the other articles in today's issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

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